Raising Teens is a warm-hearted and honest round-table discussion about parenting teenagers and teen mental health. First broadcast on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey, the show is hosted by presenter Guy Lloyd and includes teens’ own stories from Make (Good) Trouble’s young reporter Lola Ray. Her teen stories are surprising, thought provoking and often delightful. The show aims to bring those involved in raising teens together to dispel myths around teen mental health and offer practical help and tips.
Scroll down to listen to all the episodes for series one.
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This episode looks at what effect social media and technology is having on teens. Has it re-wired their brains to expect fast-paced but bite-sized information instead of longer form content? How is it transforming relationships, home life and future careers? Has it helped to give young people a voice?
Guests include: Make (Good) Trouble founder Daisy Cresswell and Chief Constable Giles York.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 4 April 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: Social Media & Devices on BBC Sounds
News media report that children are suffering from unprecedented levels of stress when it comes to school – exam pressure, not enough “downtime” (homework, social media) and lack of sleep are cited as causes. This has led to a huge rise in mental health issues in teens.
How does school stress manifest itself? How do teens find ways to cope? What help is out there for parents to better understand and guide their teen through the school years?
Guests include: Learning and wellbeing practitioner Debra Lloyd.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 11 April 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: School Stress on BBC Sounds
Episode 3: SLEEP
Many parents are worried about their teens’ sleeping habits. Technology has wormed its way into the bedroom and is keeping us up at night. Do teens get enough sleep? One study says that only 15% of teens get enough sleep on school nights. 53% of young people say worry and stress keep them awake at night. When should parents worry and how can teens help wean themselves off their devices at night?
Guests include: Psychotherapist Donna Peters-Lamb and Make (Good) Trouble founder Tayler Cresswell.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 18 April 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: Sleep on BBC Sounds
Are teens more or less resilient than their parents’ generation? How can we build resilience in our young people? And can teens be taught resilience to help them cope with the stresses and strains of living in the 21st Century?
Guests include: Clinical Nurse Specialist Rebecca Stanley, Chief Superintendent Jane Derrick, Army Cadet Force sergeant Andy Rolston and Journalist and author Suzanne Harrington.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 25 April 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: Resilience on BBC Sounds
Episode 5: BODY IMAGE
How do today’s teens feel about their own body image? And how has it affected how they behave and live their lives? Do they feel pressured to change the way they look? Instagram face, plastic surgery, the Kardashian effect – and the backlash that has ensued. Are today’s social media “influencers” any different from the magazines your parents’ generation poured over as a teen, showing photoshopped unattainable bodies?
Guests include: Personal Trainer and Yoga teacher Kate Winter and beauty therapist Clare Rogers.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 2 May 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: Body image on BBC Sounds
Friends, family, romance, sex… how do teens navigate relationships with their peers and how do parents feel about their teens’ growing independence and seemingly risky behaviour when it comes to sex and friendships? How do you have the “sex” talk with your teen? What happens when teens have friends that parents don’t like? How should parents steer their teens to be responsible when it comes to relationships and is that even possible?
Guests include: Integrative Arts Counsellor and Assistant Head of Year 10 at Hove Park Rosie Scott and Counsellor Paul Dent.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 16 May 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🔊 Listen to Raising Teens: Relationships on BBC Sounds
How does knowing about the development of the teenage brain help parents understand their teens? And would it help teens understand what they’re experiencing? Has modern technology re-wired the brains of today’s young people? And is it progress?
Guests include: Consultant Paediatrician Dr Sharmila Jeyasingh, SEND Co-ordinator at Patcham School Linsey McGill, Psychotherapist Alan Sparks and SEND Co-ordinator at Dorothy Stringer School Paul Watson.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 23 May 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: The teenage brain on BBC Sounds
Episode 8: LANGUAGE
Do you understand everything your teen says? How does the language teens use today shape their view of the world around them?
Guests include: Make (Good) Trouble teen reporter Lola Ray, Youth Ambassador Kya McCartney, rap artists and song writer Marshall Mandiangu and Integrative Arts Counsellor and Assistant Head of Year 10 at Hove Park Rosie Scott.
First broadcast 8pm Thursday 28 May 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
🎧 Listen to Raising Teens: Language on BBC Sounds

Make (Good) Trouble was invited to be part of The Big Takeover with Kathy Caton for a special feature on BBC Sussex radio. We brought along parents Daisy, Harry and Jane, as well as Rosie Scott from Hove Park school. They discussed flare-ups, how to get a teen to talk, where to get support for yourself as a parent and broaching difficult subjects.
First broadcast 9pm 4 March 2019 on BBC Radio Sussex and BBC Radio Surrey
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