Being cooped up during lockdown, either alone and away from loved ones or with your family, is understandably taking its toll on our mental health. We are seeing a lot of posts on our Facebook group, Raising Teens in Lockdown from worried parents doing their best to keep their teens active, fed properly, educated and calm – no easy task when you add in the volatility of the adolescent brain!
To help, here are some really good resources for you if you need support:
Young Minds’ Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm, free for mobiles and landlines)
CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) information including a page to search for local CAMHS support
NHS Mental Health and wellbeing advice and links to services
The Mix – brilliant website offering support for the under 25s.
E-wellbeing for England-wide mental health services and support (11-25 years), including advice on depression, relationships, bullying and anxiety for a list of all Brighton and Hove services (11-25 years)
Open for Parents – East Sussex support for parents of children of all ages
More resources
There are more resources on our Help & Advice page if you need more specific help with anything from eating disorders and self harm to substance abuse and bereavement.
And finally… here’s Donna Peters-Lamb with some top tips on how to stop that worrying brain. Check back to our Videos page regularly as we will be posting more from our experts over the coming weeks.
Look after yourselves, the Make (Good) Trouble team x