Today we spoke with PC Joe Davis from Sussex Police about how to keep our teens safe, whether there’s been a rise in incidents involving young people since lockdown and back to school concerns.

Joe spoke about trust, and said that “young people will appreciate being trusted a little bit. We need to trust them to socially distance and follow the guidelines… it’s up to them to consider their role in keeping everybody safe”.

Sussex Police’s strategies around connecting with young people are to stay relevant – they have a strong social media presence (links below) – as well as a focus on talking to young people, in order to reach out and break down barriers. Engage, explain, encourage… and enforce as a last resort.

If you missed it, you can catch the 20 minute Q&A here:

Live Q&A with PC Joe Davis

Make (Good) Trouble founder Daisy Cresswell speaks to Sussex Police PC Joe Davis, Prevention Youth Officer about teenage safety, return to school concerns and supporting young people

Posted by Make Good Trouble on Thursday, 3 September 2020

Useful links
Sussex Police on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook on Instagram (content and advice aimed at young people)
Fearless, a charity that provides a crimestoppers service for young people
Sussex Police online – report a crime – which you can do anonymously if you wish

Next week, we’ll be talking to Kit Messenger, co-founder of Changing Chances, a former primary school Headteacher, a tutor at the University of Sussex and a qualified coach. Kit works to bring about big changes in how challenging behaviour is tackled in the education system and beyond. If you have any questions for Kit around helping your young people ease back into school life, worries about their mental health and wellbeing, pop them in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.

⭐️ LIVE Q&A with Kit Messenger at 11am on Thursday 10th September on our Facebook Page.

Thank you to those who joined us this morning for our Make (Good) Trouble Facebook Live Q&A about the impending return to school/college/uni. Make (Good) Trouble founder, Daisy Cresswell was joined by Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust sleep expert, Lara Rutherford and YMCA e-wellbeing‘s Nicola Harvey to discuss the why’s and wherefores of face masks, social distancing and ever-changing guidance.

Back to School Q&A

Back to School Q&A hosted by Daisy Cresswell with guests Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust sleep expert, Lara Rutherford and YMCA e-wellbeing's Nicola Harvey

Posted by Make Good Trouble on Thursday, 27 August 2020

Daisy, Nicola and Lara discussed the understandable anxiety of students and parents facing a return to education, and offered plenty of advice about where to get help, talking to your employer about flexible working arrangements and how to get back into a routine once term starts.

Resources offers lots of resources and tips for parents/teachers and young people to support the transition back to school. This includes videos of young people talking about their mental health, Covid-19 resources, tools that help to challenge anxious thoughts and content on ways to redevelop social skills.

Search the e-wellbeing services for young people and find a mental health support service in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex.

 Parents can access the Parent Talk Team on Action for Children –  a chatroom and platform specifically for parents during this unprecedent time.

ChatHealth text service, (open 9-4.30) run by the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust. 11-19 year old and parents of school-aged children can text 07480 635423.

School Nurse duty number (9-5 every day) 01273 696011 ext 1692

You can also join our Facebook Group, Raising Teens in Lockdown, for further support from parents, teachers and mental health specialists.

Congratulations to Brighton & Hove Year 11 students receiving GCSE results today. We’ve teamed up with Storythings to make this film especially for Year 11s. It features a new poem, ‘Extraordinary’ by Brighton Festival guest director Lemn Sissay MBE, together with messages from your schools.

This film was made by Storythings and Make (Good) Trouble with support from Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival and Brighton & Hove Music & Arts. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

Results Day Live Q&A

If you have questions about next steps for students moving on to college, whether to take exams in September or going back into education after lockdown, we’re hosting a live Q&A with educational specialist Jo Heywood on Facebook tonight (Thursday 20th) at 7pm. Do join us there and let us know if you have any questions for the Live event in advance by posting a comment here or on our Facebook page. See you there!

Each month, Make (Good) Trouble highlights a charity or organisation that makes the world a better place. This month, we’re supporting Time to Talk Befriending.

I’ve just started volunteering for a fabulous charity – Time To Talk Befriending (TTTB) – they offer a befriending telephone service to help support isolated and lonely older people. Importantly, they bring people together from all generations.

They also have opportunities for young people to get involved, so if you are interested, here are the details:

  • 18–19 yr olds can sign up to become telephone befrienders. The main requirement is the young person feels comfortable and confident speaking over the phone. TTTB match volunteers with older people based on hobbies and interests so as much information you can give them the better. You must undertake a DBS check.
  • 16–18 yr olds can also sign up to become telephone befrienders. As under-18s cannot take a DBS check, they ask that the young person commit to making the calls when a parent/carer is around.
  • 14yrs + they have a newsletter that is send out to our members. They would welcome for anyone who is creative (drawings/poems/stories/quizzes/activities etc) to contribute. Ideally they are looking for content that can convey a positive message for scheme members, the majority of whom are aged 80+ and living with long-term health conditions.

Find out more about volunteering for TTTB here.

They are also looking for donations so they can continue to support people during the pandemic. Click here to find out more and donate to TTTB.

Visit the TTTB website

Find them on: