This code of behaviour was written in consultation with children and young people. It aims to make sure everyone who participates in a Make (Good) Trouble workshop or event knows what is expected of them and feels safe, respected and valued.
Make (Good) Trouble must make sure that everyone taking part in our services has understood and agreed to follow our code of behaviour, and that they understand the consequences of inappropriate behaviour.
We expect people who take part in our services to display appropriate behaviour at all times. This includes behaviour that takes place outside our organisation and behaviour that takes place online.
Basic principles
This code of behaviour aims to:
- identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
- encourage cooperation, honesty, fairness, and respect
- create an environment where your self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence will grow
- encourage you to recognise and respect the rights of others
- encourage you to take responsibility for your own behaviour
- help resolve conflicts and make it clear what will happen if you decide not to follow the code.
Dos and don’ts
You should:
- cooperate with others
- be friendly
- listen to others
- be helpful
- have good manners
- treat everyone with respect
- take responsibility for your own behaviour
- talk to a member of our management team: Daisy Cresswell or Tayler Cresswell, about anything that worries or concerns you
- follow this code of behaviour and other rules (including the law)
- join in and have fun!
You shouldn’t:
- be disrespectful to anyone else
- bully other people (online or offline)
- behave in a way that could be intimidating
- be abusive towards anyone.
🖨 Please print a copy of these dos and don’ts and ensure they are always visible in venues and workshops].
What happens if I decide not to follow the code of behaviour?
This code of behaviour is part of our process for making sure everyone who takes part in our services receives the support they need.
Minor or first-time incident
If you behave in a way that doesn’t follow our behaviour code, our staff or volunteers will remind you about it and ask you to comply with it. They will give you an opportunity to change your behaviour.
This gives you the chance to think and to plan how you could behave differently, with support from staff and/or volunteers.
Formal warning
If you continue not to follow the code of behaviour after your first reminder, or if your behaviour is more serious, you will be given a formal warning by the person running your activity.
They will make a record about what happened and inform your parents or carers if this is appropriate. They will talk with you about what happened and agree what support you need to improve your behaviour in the future.
We may also decide that a sanction is appropriate such as restricting you from taking part in some activities.
Final warning
If the support we have put in place isn’t helping you to change your behaviour, we may need to give you a final warning. Again, this will be recorded and we’ll inform your parents or carers as appropriate.
At this point, we may need to talk with you and your parents or carers about other services that might be more able to give you the support you need.
Child protection procedures
If any member of staff or volunteer becomes concerned that your behaviour suggests you may be in need of protection or that you may present a risk of harm to other children and young people, they will follow our safeguarding procedures. This may involve making a referral to the local authority.
If child safeguarding procedures are necessary, we will talk this through with you and your parent/s or carer/s as soon as possible, unless doing so would put you in danger or or interfere with a police investigation.
The role of parents and carers
We see parents and carers as valuable partners in promoting positive behaviour and will involve them as appropriate.
We will always inform and involve your parents or carers if you receive a formal warning about your behaviour, unless doing so would put you in danger.
See also our Behaviour Code for Adults Working with Children and Young People.
This policy was last reviewed: March 2025
It will next be reviewed: March 2026