Data Protection policy

Make (Good) Trouble Data Protection Policy

Young people and adults choosing to get involved with Make (Good) Trouble projects are asked to complete a consent form for information collection and use. You can see a copy of our consent form here.

What will Make (Good) Trouble do with your personal information?

If you choose to become involved in a Make (Good) Trouble production, workshop or other activity we will need to collect personal information about you:

  • Your personal information includes your name, age, contact details.
  • We will use your personal information to keep in touch with you and to make programmes, videos and educational material. 
  • We will store your personal information safely and we will not share it with anyone outside Make (Good) Trouble unless stated on the sign up form – for example, we often run workshops with another provider and may need to share your information with them in order to run the workshop.
  • We will be doing this based on your permission, which is detailed at the bottom of this form. 
  • We will keep personal information we have about you (i.e. your name, contact details) for no longer than is necessary. We review the personal information we keep yearly to ensure we only keep necessary data.

What will Make (Good) Trouble do with your recorded interview or contribution?

If you choose to take part in a recorded interview or other activity you will be sharing information about yourself when you talk about your opinions, ideas and experiences.  Information, Images and or video footage of you may be used wholly or in part and may be edited. All images and interviews are used to positively promote our work aims and values.

This information may be broadcast in programmes and used in videos, education material, social media (i.e. X, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and LinkedIn) and other published materials.

We will be doing this based on your permissions which are listed at the bottom of this form.

Note that you should not talk about other people in your interviews, as you cannot give consent to sharing other people’s information. 

We may use your de-identified information in future published educational material and for our research on the issues that affect young peoples’ mental health.  

We will do this based on our legitimate interest as a community interest company to work on developing tools and information to support young peoples’ mental health.

Storing your information securely

When it comes to storing your information after any recording has been made and broadcast: we will de-identify the experiences, opinions and ideas you share in order to store the contribution you have made. This means that we will remove your name and, as far as is possible, unless agreed with you otherwise, we will remove information that could identify you, such as names or places within the recording or associated with the stored files. 

Our files are downloaded and wiped from recording devices as soon as is feasibly possible (usually as soon as we get back to the office) and files are then kept securely on our company’s Google Workspace Cloud drive. The only people who have access to our Cloud drive are the Make (Good) Trouble team.

What are your rights? 

You have the right to give or withhold your consent to sharing your personal information with Make (Good) Trouble

If you give your permission now, you can withdraw that permission to your personal information being used at any time in future by contacting

If you want more information about how we use your information you can contact, who is responsible for data protection.

You have a right to see what information we keep about you and to have corrections made to any errors you find.

You have a right to get an electronic copy of information about you stored by us.

We have a duty to look after your information safely and not share your named information with anyone. We have to notify you if a breach of information security occurs.

If you have any complaint about how we are using your data you can complain to the Information Commissioners Office, this is the official data protection office for England:

We are committed to reviewing our policy, its implementation and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed: March 2025
It will next be reviewed: March 2026

See our other Policies including our Privacy Policy and Safeguarding Policy