In May and June 2022, we hosted a series of accessible community-support beach walks along Brighton & Hove beaches, for parents and carers of teenagers. After lockdown, many were reporting issues of isolation and feeling unable to cope. We got together for a coffee and a chat with professionals – experts in teen-related issues which included eating disorders, LGBTQ+ issues, conflicts at home and more.
We also hosted Live Q&A sessions which gave parents a wealth of practical tips and information on helping our young people with everything from anxiety to sleep and breathing exercises.
Most parents and carers who attended the walks, had issues affecting their own mental health as well as that of their teenage children. The programme had four main beneficial outcomes: reducing social isolation, exercising, access to one-to-one expert support,and peer support. The selection of experts was driven by need, and included a Senior Assistant Head Teacher, a Safeguarding Lead, and representatives from Relate, RU OK, AllSorts and TDC.
“I was going through a cycle of distress regarding my son’s education and lack of SENCO support and saw on the ‘Raising Teens’ Facebook Group you were offering Beach Walks and at the time I just needed to get out the house, I was exhausted, frustrated and felt alone. I needed to speak to people and stop driving myself mad on my own.
“The expert attending was a head teacher from a local secondary school which was brilliant. She gave me honesty that I hadn’t heard from any other teachers. That conversation allowed me to have the knowledge I needed to feel I could go back to his school and find solutions. Now he’s finally getting the support he needs.
“Before, I was in crisis mode, so my head was all over the place. This gave me a reason to get some exercise and fresh air. I loved being bought a coffee! It was so lovely to meet new people and feel valued.” (Parent, Beach Walk programme)
If you joined us for one of our walks or for our Facebook Live, we’d love to get your feedback. Please complete our survey. Thank you!
Online Q&A for parents about teen mental health
Check out our Live Q&A session on with psychotherapist Donna Peters-Lamb. She offers a wealth of practical tips and information on helping our young people with everything from anxiety to sleep and breathing exercises.
This programme is supported by the Sussex Care Partnership, Brighton & Hove City Council.