Catalyst workshop: Punk Protest Banners

Join us for an incredible creative workshop this November! Complete the form below to apply 👇

You’ll be working with sculpture artist Kerry Lemon for a two-day workshop to use your voice and create textile protest banners.

Each participant will create their own A2 portrait fabric banner (inspired by a punk/ sneaker aesthetic – think Vivienne Westwood and Kanye).

As a group we’ll consider the history of protest and specifically banners (suffragettes; miner’s strikes; Trump; youth climate; humorous slogans; iconography etc.). We’ll think about the types of things we want to use our voices for (for example, fast fashion, climate change, gender rights, police brutality, voting reform) and learn LOTS of fabric collage skills to create unique, iconic banners.

Workshop details:

  • Cost: FREE!
  • Location: Hastings Contemporary Gallery
  • Dates: 11am – 3pm, 20-21 November 2023
  • Ages: 16 – 24yr old
  • Lunch provided

👉 Find out more about The Catalyst project
👉 Find out more about artist Kerry Lemon