Brighton has the most internet searches for the word ‘lonely’. Almost 20% of children living in cities say they often feel lonely. (ONS, 2018)
After two years of Covid restrictions, 35% of people aged 16-25 say they have never felt more alone (Feb 2022)
Loneliness can be a strange feeling because you can have feelings of loneliness even when you are around people. I think it comes down to the connections with people that really stop us feeling lonely or make us feel lonely when that connection isn’t there or is inauthentic.

The pandemic has shown us first-hand the effects of loneliness and isolation and the risks many young people face today. Self care is extremely important for a young person and inclusion is something we as humans thrive on. The feeling of being accepted and being around peers where you feel included is vital for social and emotional development. This is often something that is overlooked in today’s society.
During Mental Health Awareness Week, we collected tips from our Make (Good) Trouble colleagues and from professionals about how to help with feelings of loneliness.

Social media connects us to millions of people yet we can still feel extremely isolated and alone in the world. Why is this? GENUINE CONNECTION. However social media can be so useful to connect us with friends, family and loved ones. It can be used to support and keep those connections alive and strong through long distance communication. Use social media to reconnect with old friends and to reach out to people.
“I always find having a lengthy catch up over the phone or on Facetime makes me feel so relieved”. Hamzah Ali, Researcher, Make (Good) Trouble
“If I’m feeling lonely I pick up the phone and call a friend I’ve been meaning to speak to for a long time. Speaking to a good friend always puts a smile back on my face.” Jane Keating, Production Director

Loneliness can also come from lack of responsibility and sometimes human contact isn’t what we need. Pets can be very loving and calming to be around. Spending some quality time with animals has been proven to be therapeutic and can also give you a reason to get out into nature and explore your area.

You don’t even need to own a pet to enjoy the company of an animal, Borrow My Doggy is a great service where you can take other people’s dogs for walks! Getting all the benefits from time with an animal and getting outside which also has significant benefits to overall wellbeing and mental health.

Having a supportive network or even one person that you trust and can be open with can be all it takes to pull you out of a loneliness hole. Maybe you are that person to someone, let them know you are here to chat or reach out first to start the conversation. There are also organisations such as Together Co who specialise in supporting people who deal with loneliness.

I remember doing this mindfulness practise a few months ago that involved writing letters of gratitude to people. I wrote what I was thankful for that person being in my life and how their presence and memories with them in my life has had an impact on me. It was wishy washy at first and some letters I never sent but it put a big smile on my face and helped me understand and appreciate the relationships I have/had with people. I definitely didn’t feel alone after writing those letters and felt so grateful to have those people in my life and it kind of made me want to go out into the world and make more connections. I also thought about the impact that I might’ve had on someone’s life that I don’t even realise or will ever know. It was pretty wild and eye opening.
Smiling at people, it could make someone’s day showing some care, connection, optimism and love. It could be just what someone needs.

For further help & support
Listen to our episode of Raising Teens: loneliness on BBC Sounds
Our Help page with links to places that support people who are feeling lonely – an app that helps you connect with people and groups doing various activities in your local area.